Reality vs Illusion


After bearing thousands of failures to change my habits, meditation is the only way that helped me. Today I will tell you about meditation, my definition and what I think of it.

What is meditation?
Meditation is a process of making yourself more conscious and less material. Nicola Tesla once said that "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and 
vibration." Tesla believed in it; His brain would become a receiver of new ideas which were independently flowing in the universe whenever he was in the meditative state. There are many types of meditation that help people gain peace and stability in their life. To me, meditation is the key to open locked up pandora boxes of creative knowledge. 

You can also use meditation for the changes you want to bring to your life. When we meditate, we can choose to ponder about the positive changes that we want and try to entwine them with imagination into our reality. When we contemplate these thoughts, they make their place in our subconscious mind. With time and regular mediation, these thoughts become dominant. They replace old values, beliefs and habits.

I happen to remember a quote from Tim Grover that says, "If you are not mentally ready, you are never physically prepared." Thought is the basis of action. Thought originates in the brain based on our different experiences of life. Suppose we feed our brain good information, i.e. Watching good movies, reading good books, making friends who inspire etc. In that case, this potential inflow of data increases the probability of getting better at whatever we do.

How to meditate?
This is my own meditation technique that I follow.

 Note - You can search for meditation postures on the internet.

The first Part is awareness
Keep a soft focus, and observe the environment around you. Close your eyes. Listen to different noises around you, feel your weight against the land or bed wherever you are sitting, and scan your body from feet to head.

 2nd Part is going supernatural
Visualize your soul form, a light apparition. Your creator and everything else is also energy. Visualize yourself flying out of the Earth and leaving all people and thoughts behind, crossing even space and going to the place surrounded by ether that powers everything.

 In the ether zone surrounded by white light, you can ask for anything and feel it received in your body. Apply the power of imagination and visualization.

And then I begin affirmations-

1.) I am full of love. Every single cell in my body emits lots of love.

The important thing is to feel it received and really influencing people around you. Visualize the ether entering your body and making you more loving.

 2.) I am full of peace. Every single cell in my body is at peace, and because of this, my body is healthier than before.

 3.) I am a great learner and Observer. I learn from everything and everybody.

 4.) I Have great concentration power. ( Visualize a wooden structure coming out of Ether light that has Your goal written on it. Distractions surround it, but you only see goals. you are determined about it)

 5.) I have excellent health. ( Visualize ether entering your body and healing you.)

 6.) I make my surroundings positive, where ever I go.

 7.) I understand that the future is not fixed. I welcome any uninvited responsibilities that the potential future may or may not contain.

 8.) I keep my calm in every situation ( People don't upset me because I understand that they have been raised differently in different surroundings with different values. How People behave is a total of their life experiences.)

 9.) I fulfil my duties and responsibilities, which is the reason for joy in my life.

 3rd Part Sink into nothingness.

 Descend into a black whole periphery. It is a cave of pure knowledge and nothingness. Shut your thoughts and visualization and go into the void. I know it is not easy. To sink into nothingness, try to observe your thoughts and let them go. Do not cling to any thought.

 4rth Part

 Say thanks to the five elements for your existence. Visualize your connection with each of them.

The Air we breathe. It also gives us a sense of unity as all living organisms on Earth share it.

The Water, which occupies 70% of space in your body and is also the elixir of life.

The Fire element that maintains the temperature of your body and Earth.

The Space element which holds everything in our universe in its rightful place.

The Soil is the foundation of life on Earth.

 5th Part

Be thankful for your life.

You have no regrets.

Ask forgiveness for anything wrong done.

Forgive yourself and others, and do not hold any grudge.

Show gratitude for your knowledge and everything you are. For everything you have learned has picked up from society itself. Be it language, science, history or philosophy.

 Take deep breaths 5 times and open your eyes.

At what time should you meditate?
To me, the morning feels like new life, beautiful and calm. So I like to meditate in the morning before everybody wakes up. Before I go to sleep, I meditate to clear the clutter in my head to prioritize things and be prepared for the next day.

Meditation is a beautiful mindfulness technique. Do give it a try and share your experience with me in the comment section.

Thank you for reading, have a good day.
Sayonaraaaara! until next time.
