Reality vs Illusion

My thoughts on life

Writing on 'Life' is not easy at all. We find ourselves surrounded by many questions:

1.Who am I? Is God the one who gave me life? Is he even real?

2.This universe is so confusing, extensive, and dark, is there a possibility of life existing on any other planet?

3.What is the purpose of life?

4.Why God gave life If I have to die one day?

 I hit a hard rock after pondering for years about these questions. There is no way out. We will not talk about the first two questions today, not today ......that's all i mean.

 3. What is the purpose of life?

To find the answer to this question. I read Victor E Frankel's book "man's search for meaning in life." I will not unfold much but read this......" Frankel says that there are three ways of finding meaning in life, through work, through love, and through suffering."  Life really can be experienced in its entirety when we tackle problems, overcome them. Most of us don't want to do painful things and pursue pleasure. But even fun has a price to pay. Without paying the price, happiness is not enjoyable at all. Instead, it pushes you into an abyss of dejection, hopelessness, and passivity. You may feel like, "Okay, I can experience life through love. There is no pain involved". Haha! True love is selfless, and to achieve that, you need to go beyond pain. There is no escaping from life, which is a mixture of different emotions. There is only one way that can help you to enjoy life. Acceptance is the key. Accept life as it is, accept the problems, take the pain and every other obstacle; Only when you accept the issues, you may rise above them. And this is the way forward. "Trekking on a mountain is not easy, but that's where the fun is."


4.Why have I been given life If I have to die one day?

I have not read any book on this, but I have drawn some ideas from Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan swift. In the novel " Gulliver travels to a city called Luggnagg. There lived immortal humans. These immortal humans had experienced everything in their life over and over. They had wisdom but they were bored. They wanted peace so they isolated themselves from the rest of the people. They wanted to die but couldn't. They were aged, miserable, and weak.
When I think about myself being immortal, i too can't bear the idea of living forever, 'Limited' is always fun in the long run. Immortality would propagate lethargy and inactivity, and chaos. Whoever programmed this Earth was pretty good for sure. We, humans, have found out that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. I believe in Soul but not in heaven, hell or God. The Soul is an energy that can neither be created nor be destroyed. It just unifies itself with nature when the human body is no longer usable.

We all know that past is history, the future is a mystery, and what you have in control is your present, so work on it. Everybody says this what I just wrote, but nobody thinks about the destiny of their actions.

Allow me to elaborate great amazing readers!

We all watch movies; they are made up of hundreds of cut scenes put together in an orderly fashion, giving them meaning. After you have finished the whole film, then only you come to know about the message or meaning that the movie wanted to convey. Likewise, your life is like a movie, and there are a lot of cut scenes that you need to put together to give it meaning; When your movie is finished, people draw inspiration from it. At your funeral, people are gonna talk about how good you were, kind, caring, helpful, etc. You are the only producer, director, and editor of your movie. Decide what your film is about and direct it with love.

 If you are reading this, it means you are a hustler like me, and I know that we both are excellent and destined to do good things in life.

keep reading ,keep sharing , stay tuned, have a good day.

