Reality vs Illusion

Slavery vs Freedom

Some people have lost meaning in their lives. They don't know what to do, where to go and how to help themselves. These people are slaves, and they don't even know it.
Slaves of "people's opinion about them." Slaves of their bad habits. Even love is slavery for some people; instead of giving space and freedom, people try to control their loved ones. A slave loves being the prisoner of thoughts and emotions and also propagates the same in society. NO! Don't do that! What would people think about us?, Don't wear that pale shirt, that does not make a good impression. Dad, I want that latest iPhone, my friend has it, it is just amazing! ALL SLAVES.

Slavery is giving the control of our life in someone else's hand or to a world of things, i.e., expensive gadgets or envy. Being too much dependent makes us incompetent to make decisions in life. It makes us annoying, dull, and inactive.
Slavery is the inability to prioritize, produce and execute things. Attachment to objects and people is the worst kind of slavery because it grows on you. Its burden blurs your perception of things, situations, and people.

Freedom is the ability to live how we want to live, to decide what we want to do, and to act accordingly, being consciously aware of :
1)Why we want to do it?
2)How would it affect our life?
3)Is it what we want?

Sometimes people find it difficult to break the habitual chains because their brain tricks them. The brain always works in a way to make you feel comfortable in different real-life situations. It tricks you into being lazy; it does not want to bear the pain of exercise; it tricks you into playing games so that it can feed on dopamine or something else. It likes to keep you in a pleasure dome. But the good news is that the brain has plasticity. You can change it the way you want by consciously directing it to do what you wanted to do until those things become your second nature. Remember that brain is nothing but many files put together from our childhood to the present age, which derived its ideology and perception from society itself.
Control your brain, don't let it control you. Sometimes people notice that reading a book is like living a different life. It feels so because it changes our perception of how we see things. In the long run, it replaces everything wrong with the good, which is the way towards salvation from slavery. If the inflow of information is good, the result is always going to be fruitful. So, we must pay attention to what information we feed on.

Freedom and slavery may express themselves in different forms and features. For example, We may talk about financial freedom, freedom from a bad habit, or freedom from the colonial government. If we try to follow the pattern in getting rid of slavery(colonial govt, financial freedom, bad habit), we would be looking at struggle and fighting. Without these two, it is impossible to defeat slavery. Buddha recognizes him as far superior who has fought 1000 battles to the one who conquered himself.
We all have got something to fight. So let's do it together. Let's end this slavery.

For more, follow my post. Thank you for reading.


  1. Very well written! Although we're slaves of some of our bad habits and we need to conquer it.


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